Millions of people are bothered by having excess fat underneath their chin. Technically called submental fullness, and more commonly called a double chin, this problem can be hard to target using diet and exercise. Rather than just accepting this as inevitable, there is now the revolutionary treatment known as Kybella®. This non-surgical treatment can provide incredibly long-lasting and significant results. It can be done right in the comfort of our office.

How Do Kybella® Treatments Work?

Deoxycholic acid is a substance the body naturally makes in the intestines. It is used to help break down and absorb dietary fat. Kybella® is made from a synthetic version of this important acid. When injected into targeted areas underneath the chin, it destroys the fat cells. Once this has happened, your body will begin to naturally flush out all of their contents. The best part about this treatment is that the fat cells are permanently gone, meaning your results can be incredibly long-lasting.

With this treatment, results are not instant but rather develop in the following weeks and months. Your body will continue to flush out the fat cells for months after your treatment. Due to the fact that the improvements are gradual, they appear very natural. No one will have to know you had the treatment if you don’t want to tell them.

If you decide that you are interested in Kybella®, the first step is always to have a consultation. This is where we can discuss your goals and how many treatment sessions and injections will be needed. Any treatment sessions that are scheduled must be spaced some time apart, which we can discuss further at your consultation. Spacing the treatments apart is to allow your body to have ample time to flush out the unwanted fat.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Kybella®?

This safe and effective treatment for submental fullness has been approved by the FDA for people aged 18 and older. If you are bothered by the appearance of excess fat underneath your chin, Kybella® may be the ideal treatment option for you. This is especially true if you do not have the time and money to undergo extensive surgery.

We offer this treatment as well as many other for helping you achieve the body and face of your dreams. Learn more about Kybella® by visiting Natural Results Medical Spa in Scottsdale, AZ. We would be very happy to discuss if Kybella® is the right treatment option for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!