The harsh truth is that we all need a little help when it comes to combating the signs of aging. Time eventually catches up with us all, usually in the farm of aging skin, wrinkles, lines, and age spots. But although you’ve done research about the different kinds of beauty treatments out there, you’re still unsure which one is best for you. Fortunately, there is one treatment that is completely all-natural and effective: PRP therapy! To learn more about this treatment and how it can make you look years younger, feel free to get in touch with us.

What is PRP?

PRP, also known as platelet-rich plasma, is a therapy that uses your own blood in order to rejuvenate your skin. And if that sounds a little strange at first, well, just think about it! Your blood carries powerful elements that are responsible for healing injuries of all kinds and generally keeping you healthy.

For the PRP therapy procedure, we will first need to take a blood sample. It will then be placed into a centrifuge, which will spin your blood so fast that it is broken up into its different components. What we need is your platelet-rich plasma, because that part of your blood is full of proteins called growth factors, as well as those powerful white blood cells. With your PRP, we will create a serum, which can then be used to target the signs of aging.

PRP and Natural Facial Rejuvenation

Once used in the treatment area, PRP is able to prompt your body to begin the healing process. The influx of concentrated growth factors and white blood cells will jumpstart your collagen production, which is what you need to get clear, smooth skin.

PRP is able to treat various signs of aging. It can be used to reduce and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. PRP is also able to restore facial volume, which is one of the main reasons you may look older than you are. But the benefits don’t stop there! PRP can also help reduce the look of scars and uneven skin tone.

PRP therapy is performed in the comfort of our office. It is entirely non-surgical, making it convenient for men and women with busy schedules. Whether you are dealing with signs of aging or stretch marks, this innovative treatment could work for you.

When you’re ready for an all-natural way to restore and rejuvenate your skin, consider PRP therapy at Natural Results Medical Spa in Scottsdale, AZ. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started!